Friday, July 29, 2011

Another Day at the Beach...

July 29 -- Okay, I know these entries are really boring but honestly, there isn't a lot to say when you are on vacation at the beach.  I mean, when we are here we don't even take the kids to the part of the island where there are go karts, mini golf places or carnivals.  Nope.  We picked our house way back when precisely because there is nothing to do here but go to the beach.  And I love it.  Except for the fact that when I am not relaxing on vacation, clearly there are more interesting or dramatic things to write about.  There is something profound in that statement...maybe that being on vacation is boring???  hmmmm.  I will take boring any day -- this place is awesome!  Nothing to do but sit at the beach and watch the waves crash to the shore... :)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Another Gorgeous Beach Day

July 28 -- Today was amazing.  The rough winds and surf from a couple of days ago has completely re-designed the beach.  I have never seen this happen in all the years we have been here.  It's been almost two weeks and even though I love it here, I really do feel like I am ready to get back home, get back to work.

Never mind the fact that I have to get back to the gym as well...  :)

Gotta go now.  Time to watch Inception with the fam.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Getting Fatter on Vacation...

July 27 -- I have no idea what it is but whenever we spend time at the beach, I eat non-stop.  Case in point -- I just ate a huge dinner and then, when everybody voted to go to Happy Belly for ice cream, I said "no."  I was totally stuffed.  But I went along anyway and when we got there, I decided what the heck, why not?  And I got a one scoop cup of butter pecan.  With heath bar toppings.  And it was a huge one scoop.  Seriously.  And I ate it.  All of it. Yeah.  I am definitely pigging out on this vacation.

Fortunately, I am walking every morning at least four miles.  But honestly?  I don't think that walking four miles warrants all the calories I ingest on a daily basis.  It's bizarre.  I know better - I really do.  But I just continue to roll on...

Monday, July 25, 2011

Walking Tacos

July 25 -- Tonight was kid's night for cooking and they made walking tacos.  It was the most hysterical dinner because the tacos were something we typically don't' eat.  (Actually, I don't know anyone who has had a "walking taco" before. ) Apparently, it's the now wow snack shack offering at Little League games in PA.  To make them, the kids fried a couple pounds of beef and added taco seasoning.  Then they put various taco additions like cheese, chopped lettuce, salsa and sour cream in bowls on the counter.  Finally everyone got a bag of Fritos which provided the container for the taco.  So to assemble the taco, we opened the bag and put a spoonful or two of the beef mixture in the bag on top of the Fritos in the bag.  then we added the lettuce, beans, salsa, sour cream, cheddar, etc -- all into the bag.  And then, mix it up with a fork...and then walk...and eat!

Easy and delicious!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Windy Day at the Beach

July 24 --  I don't know why but the wind has totally picked up over the last few days.  There are no storms off shore, no pending storms, nothing.  the wind just is...but it's hard to hang at the beach when the sand is whipping up and covering everything like a desert storm.  It feels like getting slapped by sand paper.  But it's still beautiful and warm.  The water is gorgeous.  Just hoping the wind slows down...then maybe the kids would hang out more at the beach and less at the beach house. :)

Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Roach's Arrive!

July 23 -- It's late at night and the Roach's have arrived at the beach house after a 12 hour ride from PA.  They are exhausted;  you can just tell, but they are excited to be here.  (as are we to have them.)  I can't believe a week has already gone by.  I am so glad we have another week to go...

Friday, July 22, 2011

Alone Tonight -- It's Kinda Nice!

July 22 -- Everyone took off tonight after dinner to go to Shelley and Mike's bonfire.  but I stayed home.  I was freezing for one -- they keep the ac really low (cold) at this beach house.  even when we try to change it the temp seems to drift back to the lower setting.  Also, I am freezing because of all the sun I am getting.  And also, I just needed to have a few hours to myself.  I have not been on this computer at all and I needed to do a little research about lesson plans and stuff. 

connor is freaking me out when he talks about all of the assignments he had in his English class last year.  I am spending this vacation reading all of the novels I am teaching this year and I have a lot of ideas and thoughts but other than reading the novels and some of my notes, I have nothing specific.  So I have to rely on help from other teachers and also on my own teaching abilities.  I keep trying to calm my myself down by saying I will be fine and will figure it all out as I go but still...I get really, really nervous every once in awhile.  I am like, ughhh, can I really do this?  The answer is yes but i do know it will be a completely different world.  tonight the kids were teasing me at dinner talking about how they wouldn't acknowledge me in school.  And I thought, how different will out relationship really be?  will I have the energy to laugh with my kids or will I always be nagging and yelling at them because we are all so exhausted?

Lord help me.  Please :)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Girl Gets Attacked by Shark -- Very Close to Our Beach

July 20 -- A five year old was attacked by a shark at Ocracroke Island yesterday.  We all just watched the video of the helicopter taking her to the mainland and realized that as we sat at the beach just a few miles away from Ocracroke Island, the helicopter passed right over us.  We all saw it.  Yipes.

Now everyone is afraid about going into the water.  Well, not really but is kind of spooky.  I guess she was close to the shore and it came up close and grabbed her leg which was hanging off of the edge of the boogie board she was riding.  It's amazing because the water is so clear, so gorgeous, one can't even imagine a shark making it's way to the shore without someone seeing it.

I am sure we are all going to be on extra alert now.  ( thank God the girl is going to be okay. )

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Riley's Birthday at the Beach!

July 19 -- I woke up really early this morning before anyone else got up.  Saw the sun come up over the houses.  I used the time to lay out Riley's birthday presents and to bake his birthday cake.  It was a great time to have to myself -- lots of peace and quiet.  I even had time to sip a hot cup of coffee on the back deck and watch the waves crash against the beach.

It is so pretty here;  I hope Riley appreciates how lucky he is to celebrate his birthday at the beach.  Connor and Luke got up early too and took shovels so that they could write "happy bday Riley" in the sand.  It was actually really hard for them to do and was totally adorable.  we had Riley's favorite dinner tonight -- spinach and bacon quiche -- which is a really funny thing for an 11 year old!  (He had like, three pieces, which he inhaled.)

I have been really strict with the kids about applying sunscreen -- no burns.  And of course, who has the worst burn?  yup.  I do.  Silly me;  I wore a bikini for the first time in years (yeah spinning!) and my back and stomach got totally burned even though I used sunscreen.  It's just that I didn't use enough for the skin that hasn't seen the light of day in ages.  And now my back and stomach are totally burned.  what a dork I am.  Other than that, things are great.  It's vacation and there is nothing else to do but go to the beach, shop a little (tiny) bit and then go back to the dinner and then...back to the beach.  nice.
Happy Birthday Riley boy!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Jail time for Growing Veggies?

July 13th --  Last night, Riley went out in the dark and harvested 6 huge cucumbers and two zucchinis from the garden.  It's an awesome thing when he starts bringing in the harvest.  We had our first blueberries and cherry tomatoes this past week.  There is nothing better than a sliced fresh tomato sandwich on white bread with mayo...

But I digress. 

As I consider the kids' joy with the garden vegetables, I am in shock about the video I just watched about a young mom who was arrested or given a citation for growing vegetables in her yard.  What??!  Something just doesn't seem right when a city can send a woman to jail for growing veggies.  There must be some information that is not being released.  Did she have pot in there too?   You just have to wonder where we are at in today's world if someone can get in trouble for being resourceful (and working hard!  Having a garden is work!) to feed the kids.

On Vacation!

July 17 Yesterday we spent most of the day getting to the beach house and truly, since we left at two in the morning, I really didn't sleep at all! So I ended up passing out after dinner. It's beautiful here with the crystal clear turquoise water and wide sandy beaches. the kids are happy and so are Brian and I. nothing to do but sit in the sun and swim in the surf! Nice...

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Packing is Done -- yippee

July 16 -- Peter and Lisa's 17th wedding anniversary!!

I am so happy we are done packing for the trip to the beach.  I love being at the beach but cannot stand getting ready to go. uggh  So much to do.  But for some reason, as Luke and I just talked about, we started late getting ready this year but remarkably, we finished early!  It was the first time ever that we had the car packed before night time.  And Brian actually got to bed early!!  Impressive.

But I can't fall asleep early.  so Luke and  I are going to do some yoga to mellow out...hope it helps.  Leaving at 2am is not a good thing for me...hopefully I can sleep in the car.   Off to the downward dog.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Buying Drugs at Walmart

July 15 -- Shoot.  I just realized Brian forgot to put the medicine on the dog.  Ughhh.

ANyway, what I was starting to say before reality stepped I was buying medicine at Walmart and I stepped over into the dark side...the side where you have to give your name address, drivers license etc so that you can buy the federal government regulated drugs.  ohhhhh.  I just wanted sudafed  for goodness sake!  So anyway, once she had all of my information logged in, I asked for one box of 12 hour and one box of four hour.  No good.  I could only buy one box, not both.  Next month, I can buy the other.  I was like, what???

Apparently, people buy the drug and mix it with other drugs to make meth.  Wow.  That's amazing.  I just want to get rid of this migraine/sinus headache.  So why do some people who want to make money by f'ing up other people's minds and lives, have to go and inconvenience a nation of people with sinus headaches?  I read an article the other day about how horrible it is to live in Mexico because of the drug cartels and warfare.  When people smoke a joint, they definitely aren't thinking about the bloodshed connected with the cultivation of the "high" they are about to experience.  Maybe that's what needs to be highlighted.

I don't know.  In the meantime, I still can't get rid of this headache.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Pre-Vacation Blues

July 14th -- And the summer continues to fly by... we leave for vacation in a few days;  I can't believe it.  There is so much to do and I feel like I will never have time to pack.  It's so weird;  I feel like I am ADHD. I shop for food to take with us and then quickly stop into Kohl's to buy Luke t-shirts and socks for college. And then I dash home and run to the office to hand in my information for my work forms.  And then I come home and make dinner.  And walk the dog.

And I get so stressed about the packing because it is like stuffing an octopus into a closet -- I think I have everything in and then suddenly, a leg pops out.  I stop at a store to pick up something for the beach and then I remember yet another thing I have to get done or pack or buy and then pack.

So Brian bought Luke his laptop tonight.  Luke worked on it in the kitchen for awhile and then he thought he would go out by the bonfire and work on it outside.  In the dark.  Yeah.  I was like, whaaaat?!  First night and you want to play with it outside?  omg, I just cannot even imagine this kid at college.  A brand new thousand dollar computer and he wants to sit on the dewy grass and type. In the dark. Yeah sure.  Makes perfect sense to me.

I can't get to the beach fast enough!

My Blog Entry was Erased!

July 13 --  No fair -- I typed my blog last night and I guess I forgot to hit "publish".  So this morning when I saw it on my screen I was like, oops!  I hit "publish" and it disappeared with an an error message.  Ugh!  ANyway, I wrote it.  So as far as my goal goes...I am still on.

What a bizarre goal.  :)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Yipes -- Too much going on..again!

July 12 -- I just looked at the clock and realized it is close to midnight.  Shoot!  I have been trying to get everything done before vacation and...staying up way too late every night.  (And I don't feel like I am getting things done either!)

Quick entry tonight -- then off to do the laundry.

But I am going into my new classroom tomorrow.  I just have to start poking around more intently before I leave for vacation -- I know I will be thinking about it on the trip so I want a better handle.  Just hoping it doesn't overwhelm me even more!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Going Crazy over Kitchen Lights

July 11 -- So I went to yoga class tonight and afterward I did what everyone does after an invigorating and challenging yoga class does -- I went to Walmart.  Yup.  Spent lots of money too, on stuff like contact lens cleaner and suntan lotion and dry roasted peanuts.  All for the beach.  (and some stuff for Luke's college life as well...)

And then, as if I weren't zen enough, I came home and shopped for mini pendants for the kitchen.  Because I have nothing else to do.  Not.  I just have this thought, this idea that I HAVE to resolve the light issue in the kitchen now so that I can finally focus on all things teaching.  Silly, I know.  But it is what it is.  (Yes, and it's definitely not centered yoga thinking.  Or maybe it is.  Who knows?)

All I know is that I spent the last hour getting excited about a pendant that I am not sure will work -- the bulb is a bi-point and I was hoping to get a flood.  Ughhhhh!!! Driving me insane!  At this point, I know more than I ever wanted to know about light bulbs....and to think I am Polish!  Huh.  Go figure.  Maybe there is some true insight in that statement...Namaste!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Connor Forgets to Call...

June 10 -- When Brian brought Connor back last week after his lax clinic, he forgot his cell phone at home.  He assured us it was no big deal because he could borrow a friend's phone to call home. Except for the fact that he isn't calling.  I mean yesterday we got a quick call when he was looking to see when his stick would be done (it's being re-strung) but other than that, we aren't getting the nightly check in calls.  And quite frankly, I miss him!  But I have to say, I am happy that he is happy.  It's a lot of hard work taking care of the campers in his care.  But it can be rewarding as well.  I just miss his voice.  I can't even handle a month with Connor away, how on earth will I handle Luke being away at school?!  yipes.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Derek Jeter and Kitchen Lights

July 9 -- Today Derek Jeter hit his 3001st hit in professional baseball.  While I am an avid Yankee disliker, I do respect the guy and his amazing accomplishment.  Maybe now he can get married and settle down.

In comparison, in a total of two days (including today), in a desperate search for the perfect lights for my kitchen, I sat in front of the computer and looked at online photos of over 3000 mini pendants.  Yup.  Jeter cracked the baseball and I shopped for pendants.    I know that's an amazing feat as well but, gee whiz, anyone could do it with the right skill set and attitude.  Besides, I took steroids.  (I am pretty sure it's allowed in the interior decorating industry.)

I actually do feel like I am on something; I am so wired.  When I came home last night and saw the lights I had purchased (a month ago) finally installed, I wanted to cry.  I didn't love them.  I am a light freak and I analyze all aspects of a light -- how well it illuminates the surface, the room, what kind of light it casts, etc.  The weird thing is the actual lights are beautiful but I don't like how they cast  an almost sleepy light on the island.  They would be perfect in a restaurant over a dining table, dimmed low, but they aren't great for illuminating a work surface.  And when I put them on high -- yipes -- I see stars.

Yes, I am going on and on about kitchen lights.  the better to avoid what is really bothering me -- that I have only a month left to get ready to teach (my new job) and we leave for vacation in a week.  But, like Derek Jeter, I am going to give it my all as I go for my goal...finding the perfect light.  Yeah.  I could use some light for sure.  ha.

Friday, July 8, 2011

On Betty Ford and Tante Klarle

July 8 -- So Betty Ford died.  I actually don't know a lot about Betty Ford;  I mean it wasn't like I did a lot of reading about her. However, I do have to say that what little I knew, I always liked her and what she stood for.  For all the stuff in the news about married politicians and their crazy ego-driven, "entitled" sexual pursuits, I have to admit that I was extremely impressed with her and Gerry's relationship.  Even while she fought her addictions and personal demons, she always appeared gracious and honest.  She presented her personal dilemmas with a certain dignity one doesn't see much anymore when famous people end up in situations requiring professional help.

My aunt, Tante Klarle, died this morning as well.  She wasn't as famous as Betty Ford and she certainly did not have an addictive personality.  Except, of course, the need to eat something "warm" for lunch every day.  She was a lovely woman with a heart of gold and although she lived in Germany, she was very much a part of our lives and the lives of our children.  Just this morning, as I peered into Riley's room,  I stopped to watch him sleep, clutching the stuffed bear TK had sent him when he was born.  The boy never even met her but he adores that bear.   What a sweet woman. May God bless her soul.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

My Skinny State

July 7 -- There was an article on today which ranked the 50 states by the average amount of body fat in each state.  It listed the states from highest body fat to lowest.  I am proud to note that my state was close to last and really, just a tad higher than the lowest body fat state.  I have to say that based on the people at my gym, I am not surprised.  When Connor and I stopped at the rest area on the way through MA yesterday, I was a bit rattled at the number of people who were clearly overweight.  (who were standing with us in the McDonald's line while we were waiting for our cheeseburger and fries.  Yes I know, but what the heck?   Everyone needs a little fat decadence once in awhile and goodness knows, Connor earned it with his day of lax in the sun.)  Anyway, I am pretty sure those people were not dwellers in our skinny bitch state.  No way.  Just passing through for sure.

But here is what I am really wondering.  How, on earth, do they get those numbers?  I mean seriously.  How did they measure the body fat of enough people in each state of the union to determine the body fat content/average for each state?!!  That is completely unbelievable.  So sadly,  maybe we aren't such a skinny state after all...  Bummer.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Back At Home...Once Again

July 6 -- Connor had a great day at the lacrosse goalie workshop/evaluation clinic.  It was actually quite interesting to speak with other parents whose boys want to play college lacrosse.  while the majority of the kids there were in their junior or senior year, there was at least one goalie who was Connor's age.  At first Con was totally psyched out.  But once he got out on the field and started to play with the others, I guess he calmed down.  He felt that at the very least, he "was holding his own, and wasn't that bad!"  When I watched this afternoon, I thought he looked great!  But of course...I am a bit subjective after all :)

The most important thing I learned is that Connor plays because he wants to have fun.  So when it comes to the whole college recruitment thing...I would rather that he pick a school based on academic and social interest first.  Then if he can play a sport, that's icing on the cake.   A couple of the parents there were sending their sons all of over the eastern seaboard to college camps.  That's just not going to happen in this household because truly, it's not in our deck of family values.   We will do what we can and try to keep a balance for all the kids.  The next couple of years should be interesting...

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Hanging with Connor in Peabody, Mass!

Holla, Luke did a triathlon in under in hour; I'm with lax goalie Connor at Endicott College for his goalie workshop madness extrzvaganza! Woo Hoo!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Independence Day

July 4 -- What a difference a day can make.  Even though I slept terribly last night, when I got up this morning the sun was shining and Brian had a hot cup of coffee and a cookie waiting for me. :-)  I finished a book for my junior English class and got half way through a second book -- this one for my freshmen classes.     Tessa behaved beautifully and even made a fresh pesto sauce for a lunch/pasta dish.  I went and visited my parents and rode my bike home with Luke (who is a very strong biker and also very annoying.  On the steep hills he kept turning back for me.  Hellooooo.  I am old but at the moment I am not dead.  I was slower than him but fine!  Just wait till he is 47 years old.  Then we will see how he does on the steep hills riding alongside an 18 year old!)

Today was the absolute first day in AGES that I had nowhere to go, no social obligations DRIVING!!  I realized at a certain point during the day that I have been driving a ton lately.  It kind of hit me when I was so relieved we weren't going anywhere far away.  (Although tomorrow night I drive again as I pick up Connor from camp and bring him up to his goalie workshop thing in the next state over.  But at least I will have company.)   I have to say that doing nothing today (with the exception of what I did do) was awesome.

And tonight, as the neighbors who don't talk to us anymore because, God forbid, we got pissed at their kid who -- in a somewhat manic episode --  went nuts and shot Connor with an airsoft gun when he had no protection and was standing four feet away, have their Fourth of July fireworks, I am totally okay with our private family barbecue (minus the Con-man) and heading to bed early with my half finished book.  HOpefully I will finish it.  That would be a great way to end the day.  Two books done and like, 5 or 6 to go!  woo hoo.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

I Think about Running Away

July 3 --  Tonight I had this epiphany of sorts -- I decided that I had enough.  That it was time to get off of this train and head into another direction.  I told Brian I wanted to run away and he asked me where I would go.  Truth is, I have no idea.  But I am so tired of everything -- dealing with the kids, making sure everyone has their music lessons, summer homework printed out, enough clothes, bathing suits etc. yada yada yada.  And it's summer vacation for God's sake!

I spent the day cleaning.  ANd then cleaning some more.  And shopping for future birthdays etc.  And dealing with discipline issues with Tessa.  That girl has an ATTITUDE.  And it sucks.  I just don't want to deal with her at all.  It's terrible but I don't.  It's toxic.  But,  I am not going to let her go to her friends and sleep over if she is so exhausted she can't even unload the dishwasher.  Seriously.   She tells me (with an eye roll and a hair flip) that she is too tired to help around the house and I am supposed to let her go to her friends and sleep over?  Yeah.  That makes so much sense.  So of course we took that away from her and...omg so much drama.  My favorite part was when she casually tilted her head and ran her fingers through her hair, and, oh what a "coincidence' but the only finger I could see was her middle one.  When I called her on it, she looked at me, shocked.  Little Miss Innocent.  What a brat.  Like I said, I just don't want to deal with it -- I want to reject the application.  NO more parenting.  No more wifing.  Just me on the beach.  With a cold glass of water...and maybe some wine.  No worries about new jobs, cranky kids, or paying bills.  Just the sand and the waves and the warm sun.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

This Blogging Thing Really Bites

July 2 -- I totally have been questioning my stupid goal to blog every day. Why do I do this?  What's the f'ing point?  I am like, the only one who reads it (well, Bob does too sometimes) and actually, now that I think about it,my effort wasn't to have others read it.  Seriously.  My goal was simply to make sure that I write every day.  Do some flexing of the fingers on the ol' keyboard.  But on nights like tonight when I am so tired I can barely remember my password, I get really pissed off at myself for setting the goal in the first place.  I am literally typing this with my eys closed.  Wil check for typos later...

I had a very busy day including getting up at 6 (had to open my eyse to find that number on the keyboard.) and bringing Connor to camp.  THen yoga then stores to get food etc so we can go to the lake for the day and into th enight.  (which was totally pretty.)  then off to Lori's to hang by the bonfire.  ALl fun but I soooo tired.  ANd wodnering why I set this goal in the first place.

Except for the number six, I really didn't open my eyes.  I am keeping the typos as is when I open my eyes and I am not going ot fix typos because I want to see how horribly I did typing with my eyes shut.  See  I am so pathetic, I have to think of new stupid things to do while I write this blog.

good night.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Getting out from underneath the popcorn dust...

July 1 -- Today was a beautiful sunny, summer day.  And I spent most of it cleaning my family room and kitchen to get all of the sanding dust off of counters, floors appliances and crevices.  It's awful.  I know that in the long run our ceilings will look really nice with all of the popcorn removed (and with the water stains from the winter ice damage gone) but seriously, what a pain in the neck this is!  If I think about it, we lost three days flopping around to stay away from the dust and cleaning everything up.  (And why on earth did we put the darn popcorn on the ceiling in the first place?!)

Poor Connor finally got a day off from working at camp and he spent the day cleaning and vacuuming.  We even had to clean the garage because all of the sanding dust from outside was coming inside and I was freaking out!  And now we have to wait...until the painting happens.  Next week I hope!  Ughh.