Thursday, July 14, 2011

Pre-Vacation Blues

July 14th -- And the summer continues to fly by... we leave for vacation in a few days;  I can't believe it.  There is so much to do and I feel like I will never have time to pack.  It's so weird;  I feel like I am ADHD. I shop for food to take with us and then quickly stop into Kohl's to buy Luke t-shirts and socks for college. And then I dash home and run to the office to hand in my information for my work forms.  And then I come home and make dinner.  And walk the dog.

And I get so stressed about the packing because it is like stuffing an octopus into a closet -- I think I have everything in and then suddenly, a leg pops out.  I stop at a store to pick up something for the beach and then I remember yet another thing I have to get done or pack or buy and then pack.

So Brian bought Luke his laptop tonight.  Luke worked on it in the kitchen for awhile and then he thought he would go out by the bonfire and work on it outside.  In the dark.  Yeah.  I was like, whaaaat?!  First night and you want to play with it outside?  omg, I just cannot even imagine this kid at college.  A brand new thousand dollar computer and he wants to sit on the dewy grass and type. In the dark. Yeah sure.  Makes perfect sense to me.

I can't get to the beach fast enough!

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