Monday, July 18, 2011

Jail time for Growing Veggies?

July 13th --  Last night, Riley went out in the dark and harvested 6 huge cucumbers and two zucchinis from the garden.  It's an awesome thing when he starts bringing in the harvest.  We had our first blueberries and cherry tomatoes this past week.  There is nothing better than a sliced fresh tomato sandwich on white bread with mayo...

But I digress. 

As I consider the kids' joy with the garden vegetables, I am in shock about the video I just watched about a young mom who was arrested or given a citation for growing vegetables in her yard.  What??!  Something just doesn't seem right when a city can send a woman to jail for growing veggies.  There must be some information that is not being released.  Did she have pot in there too?   You just have to wonder where we are at in today's world if someone can get in trouble for being resourceful (and working hard!  Having a garden is work!) to feed the kids.

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