Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Back At Home...Once Again

July 6 -- Connor had a great day at the lacrosse goalie workshop/evaluation clinic.  It was actually quite interesting to speak with other parents whose boys want to play college lacrosse.  while the majority of the kids there were in their junior or senior year, there was at least one goalie who was Connor's age.  At first Con was totally psyched out.  But once he got out on the field and started to play with the others, I guess he calmed down.  He felt that at the very least, he "was holding his own, and wasn't that bad!"  When I watched this afternoon, I thought he looked great!  But of course...I am a bit subjective after all :)

The most important thing I learned is that Connor plays because he wants to have fun.  So when it comes to the whole college recruitment thing...I would rather that he pick a school based on academic and social interest first.  Then if he can play a sport, that's icing on the cake.   A couple of the parents there were sending their sons all of over the eastern seaboard to college camps.  That's just not going to happen in this household because truly, it's not in our deck of family values.   We will do what we can and try to keep a balance for all the kids.  The next couple of years should be interesting...

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