Thursday, July 7, 2011

My Skinny State

July 7 -- There was an article on today which ranked the 50 states by the average amount of body fat in each state.  It listed the states from highest body fat to lowest.  I am proud to note that my state was close to last and really, just a tad higher than the lowest body fat state.  I have to say that based on the people at my gym, I am not surprised.  When Connor and I stopped at the rest area on the way through MA yesterday, I was a bit rattled at the number of people who were clearly overweight.  (who were standing with us in the McDonald's line while we were waiting for our cheeseburger and fries.  Yes I know, but what the heck?   Everyone needs a little fat decadence once in awhile and goodness knows, Connor earned it with his day of lax in the sun.)  Anyway, I am pretty sure those people were not dwellers in our skinny bitch state.  No way.  Just passing through for sure.

But here is what I am really wondering.  How, on earth, do they get those numbers?  I mean seriously.  How did they measure the body fat of enough people in each state of the union to determine the body fat content/average for each state?!!  That is completely unbelievable.  So sadly,  maybe we aren't such a skinny state after all...  Bummer.

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