Sunday, July 10, 2011

Connor Forgets to Call...

June 10 -- When Brian brought Connor back last week after his lax clinic, he forgot his cell phone at home.  He assured us it was no big deal because he could borrow a friend's phone to call home. Except for the fact that he isn't calling.  I mean yesterday we got a quick call when he was looking to see when his stick would be done (it's being re-strung) but other than that, we aren't getting the nightly check in calls.  And quite frankly, I miss him!  But I have to say, I am happy that he is happy.  It's a lot of hard work taking care of the campers in his care.  But it can be rewarding as well.  I just miss his voice.  I can't even handle a month with Connor away, how on earth will I handle Luke being away at school?!  yipes.

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