Friday, July 15, 2011

Buying Drugs at Walmart

July 15 -- Shoot.  I just realized Brian forgot to put the medicine on the dog.  Ughhh.

ANyway, what I was starting to say before reality stepped I was buying medicine at Walmart and I stepped over into the dark side...the side where you have to give your name address, drivers license etc so that you can buy the federal government regulated drugs.  ohhhhh.  I just wanted sudafed  for goodness sake!  So anyway, once she had all of my information logged in, I asked for one box of 12 hour and one box of four hour.  No good.  I could only buy one box, not both.  Next month, I can buy the other.  I was like, what???

Apparently, people buy the drug and mix it with other drugs to make meth.  Wow.  That's amazing.  I just want to get rid of this migraine/sinus headache.  So why do some people who want to make money by f'ing up other people's minds and lives, have to go and inconvenience a nation of people with sinus headaches?  I read an article the other day about how horrible it is to live in Mexico because of the drug cartels and warfare.  When people smoke a joint, they definitely aren't thinking about the bloodshed connected with the cultivation of the "high" they are about to experience.  Maybe that's what needs to be highlighted.

I don't know.  In the meantime, I still can't get rid of this headache.

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