Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Riley's Birthday at the Beach!

July 19 -- I woke up really early this morning before anyone else got up.  Saw the sun come up over the houses.  I used the time to lay out Riley's birthday presents and to bake his birthday cake.  It was a great time to have to myself -- lots of peace and quiet.  I even had time to sip a hot cup of coffee on the back deck and watch the waves crash against the beach.

It is so pretty here;  I hope Riley appreciates how lucky he is to celebrate his birthday at the beach.  Connor and Luke got up early too and took shovels so that they could write "happy bday Riley" in the sand.  It was actually really hard for them to do and was totally adorable.  we had Riley's favorite dinner tonight -- spinach and bacon quiche -- which is a really funny thing for an 11 year old!  (He had like, three pieces, which he inhaled.)

I have been really strict with the kids about applying sunscreen -- no burns.  And of course, who has the worst burn?  yup.  I do.  Silly me;  I wore a bikini for the first time in years (yeah spinning!) and my back and stomach got totally burned even though I used sunscreen.  It's just that I didn't use enough for the skin that hasn't seen the light of day in ages.  And now my back and stomach are totally burned.  what a dork I am.  Other than that, things are great.  It's vacation and there is nothing else to do but go to the beach, shop a little (tiny) bit and then go back to the beach...eat dinner and then...back to the beach.  nice.
Happy Birthday Riley boy!

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