Monday, July 11, 2011

Going Crazy over Kitchen Lights

July 11 -- So I went to yoga class tonight and afterward I did what everyone does after an invigorating and challenging yoga class does -- I went to Walmart.  Yup.  Spent lots of money too, on stuff like contact lens cleaner and suntan lotion and dry roasted peanuts.  All for the beach.  (and some stuff for Luke's college life as well...)

And then, as if I weren't zen enough, I came home and shopped for mini pendants for the kitchen.  Because I have nothing else to do.  Not.  I just have this thought, this idea that I HAVE to resolve the light issue in the kitchen now so that I can finally focus on all things teaching.  Silly, I know.  But it is what it is.  (Yes, and it's definitely not centered yoga thinking.  Or maybe it is.  Who knows?)

All I know is that I spent the last hour getting excited about a pendant that I am not sure will work -- the bulb is a bi-point and I was hoping to get a flood.  Ughhhhh!!! Driving me insane!  At this point, I know more than I ever wanted to know about light bulbs....and to think I am Polish!  Huh.  Go figure.  Maybe there is some true insight in that statement...Namaste!

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