Saturday, July 9, 2011

Derek Jeter and Kitchen Lights

July 9 -- Today Derek Jeter hit his 3001st hit in professional baseball.  While I am an avid Yankee disliker, I do respect the guy and his amazing accomplishment.  Maybe now he can get married and settle down.

In comparison, in a total of two days (including today), in a desperate search for the perfect lights for my kitchen, I sat in front of the computer and looked at online photos of over 3000 mini pendants.  Yup.  Jeter cracked the baseball and I shopped for pendants.    I know that's an amazing feat as well but, gee whiz, anyone could do it with the right skill set and attitude.  Besides, I took steroids.  (I am pretty sure it's allowed in the interior decorating industry.)

I actually do feel like I am on something; I am so wired.  When I came home last night and saw the lights I had purchased (a month ago) finally installed, I wanted to cry.  I didn't love them.  I am a light freak and I analyze all aspects of a light -- how well it illuminates the surface, the room, what kind of light it casts, etc.  The weird thing is the actual lights are beautiful but I don't like how they cast  an almost sleepy light on the island.  They would be perfect in a restaurant over a dining table, dimmed low, but they aren't great for illuminating a work surface.  And when I put them on high -- yipes -- I see stars.

Yes, I am going on and on about kitchen lights.  the better to avoid what is really bothering me -- that I have only a month left to get ready to teach (my new job) and we leave for vacation in a week.  But, like Derek Jeter, I am going to give it my all as I go for my goal...finding the perfect light.  Yeah.  I could use some light for sure.  ha.

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