Friday, July 8, 2011

On Betty Ford and Tante Klarle

July 8 -- So Betty Ford died.  I actually don't know a lot about Betty Ford;  I mean it wasn't like I did a lot of reading about her. However, I do have to say that what little I knew, I always liked her and what she stood for.  For all the stuff in the news about married politicians and their crazy ego-driven, "entitled" sexual pursuits, I have to admit that I was extremely impressed with her and Gerry's relationship.  Even while she fought her addictions and personal demons, she always appeared gracious and honest.  She presented her personal dilemmas with a certain dignity one doesn't see much anymore when famous people end up in situations requiring professional help.

My aunt, Tante Klarle, died this morning as well.  She wasn't as famous as Betty Ford and she certainly did not have an addictive personality.  Except, of course, the need to eat something "warm" for lunch every day.  She was a lovely woman with a heart of gold and although she lived in Germany, she was very much a part of our lives and the lives of our children.  Just this morning, as I peered into Riley's room,  I stopped to watch him sleep, clutching the stuffed bear TK had sent him when he was born.  The boy never even met her but he adores that bear.   What a sweet woman. May God bless her soul.

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