Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Independence Day

July 4 -- What a difference a day can make.  Even though I slept terribly last night, when I got up this morning the sun was shining and Brian had a hot cup of coffee and a cookie waiting for me. :-)  I finished a book for my junior English class and got half way through a second book -- this one for my freshmen classes.     Tessa behaved beautifully and even made a fresh pesto sauce for a lunch/pasta dish.  I went and visited my parents and rode my bike home with Luke (who is a very strong biker and also very annoying.  On the steep hills he kept turning back for me.  Hellooooo.  I am old but at the moment I am not dead.  I was slower than him but fine!  Just wait till he is 47 years old.  Then we will see how he does on the steep hills riding alongside an 18 year old!)

Today was the absolute first day in AGES that I had nowhere to go, no social obligations DRIVING!!  I realized at a certain point during the day that I have been driving a ton lately.  It kind of hit me when I was so relieved we weren't going anywhere far away.  (Although tomorrow night I drive again as I pick up Connor from camp and bring him up to his goalie workshop thing in the next state over.  But at least I will have company.)   I have to say that doing nothing today (with the exception of what I did do) was awesome.

And tonight, as the neighbors who don't talk to us anymore because, God forbid, we got pissed at their kid who -- in a somewhat manic episode --  went nuts and shot Connor with an airsoft gun when he had no protection and was standing four feet away, have their Fourth of July fireworks, I am totally okay with our private family barbecue (minus the Con-man) and heading to bed early with my half finished book.  HOpefully I will finish it.  That would be a great way to end the day.  Two books done and like, 5 or 6 to go!  woo hoo.

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