Friday, July 1, 2011

Getting out from underneath the popcorn dust...

July 1 -- Today was a beautiful sunny, summer day.  And I spent most of it cleaning my family room and kitchen to get all of the sanding dust off of counters, floors appliances and crevices.  It's awful.  I know that in the long run our ceilings will look really nice with all of the popcorn removed (and with the water stains from the winter ice damage gone) but seriously, what a pain in the neck this is!  If I think about it, we lost three days flopping around to stay away from the dust and cleaning everything up.  (And why on earth did we put the darn popcorn on the ceiling in the first place?!)

Poor Connor finally got a day off from working at camp and he spent the day cleaning and vacuuming.  We even had to clean the garage because all of the sanding dust from outside was coming inside and I was freaking out!  And now we have to wait...until the painting happens.  Next week I hope!  Ughh.

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