Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Getting Fatter on Vacation...

July 27 -- I have no idea what it is but whenever we spend time at the beach, I eat non-stop.  Case in point -- I just ate a huge dinner and then, when everybody voted to go to Happy Belly for ice cream, I said "no."  I was totally stuffed.  But I went along anyway and when we got there, I decided what the heck, why not?  And I got a one scoop cup of butter pecan.  With heath bar toppings.  And it was a huge one scoop.  Seriously.  And I ate it.  All of it. Yeah.  I am definitely pigging out on this vacation.

Fortunately, I am walking every morning at least four miles.  But honestly?  I don't think that walking four miles warrants all the calories I ingest on a daily basis.  It's bizarre.  I know better - I really do.  But I just continue to roll on...

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