Friday, July 22, 2011

Alone Tonight -- It's Kinda Nice!

July 22 -- Everyone took off tonight after dinner to go to Shelley and Mike's bonfire.  but I stayed home.  I was freezing for one -- they keep the ac really low (cold) at this beach house.  even when we try to change it the temp seems to drift back to the lower setting.  Also, I am freezing because of all the sun I am getting.  And also, I just needed to have a few hours to myself.  I have not been on this computer at all and I needed to do a little research about lesson plans and stuff. 

connor is freaking me out when he talks about all of the assignments he had in his English class last year.  I am spending this vacation reading all of the novels I am teaching this year and I have a lot of ideas and thoughts but other than reading the novels and some of my notes, I have nothing specific.  So I have to rely on help from other teachers and also on my own teaching abilities.  I keep trying to calm my myself down by saying I will be fine and will figure it all out as I go but still...I get really, really nervous every once in awhile.  I am like, ughhh, can I really do this?  The answer is yes but i do know it will be a completely different world.  tonight the kids were teasing me at dinner talking about how they wouldn't acknowledge me in school.  And I thought, how different will out relationship really be?  will I have the energy to laugh with my kids or will I always be nagging and yelling at them because we are all so exhausted?

Lord help me.  Please :)

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