Friday, July 29, 2011

Another Day at the Beach...

July 29 -- Okay, I know these entries are really boring but honestly, there isn't a lot to say when you are on vacation at the beach.  I mean, when we are here we don't even take the kids to the part of the island where there are go karts, mini golf places or carnivals.  Nope.  We picked our house way back when precisely because there is nothing to do here but go to the beach.  And I love it.  Except for the fact that when I am not relaxing on vacation, clearly there are more interesting or dramatic things to write about.  There is something profound in that statement...maybe that being on vacation is boring???  hmmmm.  I will take boring any day -- this place is awesome!  Nothing to do but sit at the beach and watch the waves crash to the shore... :)

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