Monday, August 1, 2011

Home Again

August 1 -- I have not been able to do my blog entries for the last few nights because we were traveling and I did not have internet access.  Having said that, traveling long distances is not as excited as it used to be -- I am definitely getting old!!

Today was spent getting all of the laundry done, cleaning the house and trying to get all in order.  I am exhausted!  not the way I wanted to end my vacation but oh well, it feels good to be home again even though that means doing tons of laundry!

Tonight Luke and I went to Walmart to begin shopping for his college stuff.  I am determined to finish that as soon as possible so I can just concentrate on getting ready for the school year.  As it is, I received a very helpful email from another English teacher tonight with the "curriculum" for Of Mice and Men.  I read it and was like, huh??!!  I just can't think about it right now.  Have to get Luke done and then the other kids and then I can focus totally on the teaching.  Besides, I still have a few more books to read!!  It's so overwhelming if I think about it all at once.  so I just keep focusing on TODAY, and what I can finish today.

But on a final note -- I am so disgusted at how much money I am spending sending Luke to college.  Geesh.  I completely do NOT remember my parents spending this much on me when I left for college.  No way.  And we were at Walmart for goodness sake!!  yipes!

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