Monday, August 15, 2011

Still Raining...

August 14 --  So we found out what was wrong with the mini-van.  SOmething went bad in the transmission.  The problem is, the transmission in that vehicle is only two years old.  Thank God it is still under warranty but it's just one more thing to deal with and Luke is out a car.  Granted, he leaves in less than two weeks (yipes!!) but it would have been nice to have his help next week driving the kids around.  Not sure if the van will be done by then.  And I am praying they don't discover that the trans is "our fault" and try to slam us over the warranty.

In the meantime, I feel like I am moving like molasses to get ready for teaching.  I am truly getting continuous stomach aches.  I just don't know what to expect!  I feel like I can't lean on Brian right now because he is so stressed with work.  And I know he is freaked about luke leaving as well.  I can't even think about it!

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