Friday, August 5, 2011

Rehearsal Dinner

August 5 -- Tonight was Krista's rehearsal dinner.  We didn't go because nobody in our family was in the wedding, although Luke got to go because he is playing the trumpet during the ceremony.  ANyway, we had Peter's kids over and were having a blast when Mom called.  Dad was rushed to the hospital -- he was bleeding heavily and she couldn't stop it.

As I raced to the hospital, I couldn't help but wonder, seriously??  Dad is seriously in the hospital the night before his granddaughter's wedding??  Seriously?!  It was only yesterday when, on the way home from my and Brian's rehearsal dinner that he and Mom got into a car crash on the way home from the restaurant.  I couldn't help but wonder what was up with Dad's pre-wedding karma.

But thank God, they got the bleeding to stop and stitched him up so he can heal. I just left my parents house after spending two hours on my hands and knees cleaning up all the blood on the floor and carpet.  (and front walkway.  I could only think about how horrified the paper boy would be in the morning if he came upon all the blood on the sidewalk leading to my parent's front door.

I am exhausted.  But very relieved that Krista will be spared the drama.

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