Tuesday, August 2, 2011


August 2 -- Many years ago there was a great ad campaign for Heinz ketchup.  It showed the ketchup coming out of the bottle very, very slowly.  And the tag line was from a catchy tune..."aaaaanticipation...is makin' me wait!"   I am thinking about that song and that line when I consider my current state of mind.  "Hyper...ventilation...is makin' me crazy!!"

I called one of my girlfriends tonight -- I was in a complete pissy mood about an email I had received re. our class reunion.  She was like, "are you seriously jazzing out already?  You just got back from two awesome weeks at the beach!"  She was right.  I couldn't believe that a mere 48 hours after I came back I was already getting a bit anxiety ridden.  But there are so many different things going on.  One is that Luke is going to college in just three weeks.  I still have lots of shopping to do for him, lots of preparing.  ANd then there are the college bills.  Unbelievable.  And then there is my new job.  And making sure the kids are ready for school.  So many changes.

I am all like, oh cool, I will make more money working full time as a teacher.  But I am still panicked -- panicked!! -- about all of the upcoming bills.  We have to get our car fixed, write a check to my niece for her wedding, buy back to school stuff, and so on and so forth.  It just makes my heart pound.  I know it will all work out but right now?  I am kind of freaking out.  Sigh.  I wish I were little and my biggest issue was wondering when the damn ketchup was coming out of the bottle.   Ahhh, the good ol' days!  :)

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