Thursday, August 11, 2011

I Miss Riley

August 11 --  I can't believe how much I miss Riley.  He has been gone for four days and won't be home for another two.  I feel like it's been forever.  I don't know why but I really miss his skinny little arms, his big ears and his awesome smile.  Plus I miss his attitude.  It's like he cares about all of us and when things get crazy or stressed it's a gift to just "watch Riley for awhile."  Maybe it's because he is still young and cute, I don't know but this teenage thing with the other three kids is driving me crazy.

ANd to think I will be working all day with teenagers.  What on earth am I thinking?

Off to bed early -- tomorrow is another trial run with hitting the gym early.  I can do this.  I know I can.

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