Wednesday, August 31, 2011

178 to go...

August 31st -- Okay, I will not fill out the rest of the year with the run-down of how many days are left in the school year.  But I would be lying if I didn't say I was thinking about it!

My days are so full right now.  It's bizarre.  But I did make it to the gym tonight -- woo hoo.  I have to remember that there is a part of me who is not a teacher, who is just...a girl who wants to stay in shape!  (as best as I can at my ripe old age:)

So now it's off to bed.

On another note though...I am totally loving how Connor and Tessa are getting along right now.  With both of them on the same sports team (essentially -- the boys and girls xc teams practice together) they are really learning to help each other and to laugh at each other too.  And Connor's friends are being so nice to her -- she is so lucky!   When I was in high school, I was so embarrassed about my older brothers' antics, I had to deny being related to them when people asked.  (actually, that started already in elementary school.) sigh.

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