Thursday, August 25, 2011

Weird TItles

August 25 -- One of the things that I find most interesting about writing this blog is the stats page.  It lists the blog entries that people read.  I am actually quite amazed that anyone "hits" this blog and reads it anyway but I think, from what I understand, that it's kind of a random thing.  That someone might google a phrase or word and if my entry or title has the same phrase in it, my blog site will pop up.  Having said that, the top blog hits are always about sex.  Seriously.  I didn't necessarily write about anything specific but it's the WORD. In over 200 entries, like two of them have an "x rated word" in the title.  For example, I wrote about "Sex in Croatia" which really isn't about anything and that gets hits all the time.  Or the entry, "Germany's Nudist Hiking Trail"  -- tons of hits.  So my million dollar question is...really?  Really?!!!  WHy do the majority of people google stuff like that?  My entries are basically G rated.  Okay, pg and sometimes pg-13.  But not x rated, which I suspect, is what someone is looking for when they google the word, "sex."   yuck.

So that previous paragraph was a total avoidance of the issue at hand...Luke leaves in the am.  I was a mess all day and then tonight, three things happened.  One is that Luke wrote me this awesome mantra for me to keep in my desk at school.  Oddly, after reading it, my confidence level about teaching went up.  And then, I was cleaning the kitchen (which always makes me feel better) and I thought of one of my personal goals I will set for teaching this year -- based on a terrible but unbelievably enlightening experience I had at school today.  Seriously, it was a major epiphany!  And finally, I found Luke's Oakley sunglasses based on pure mommy detective work.  I rock!    And now,  I feel so much better.  Weird.  And to think it had absolutely nothing to do with sex.  (Much to Brian's chagrin!!!:)

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