Sunday, August 7, 2011

Wedding Joy

August 7 --  I did not write an entry last night because we came home late from Krista's wedding.   I was tired and buzzed (hooray for designated drivers!) and went straight to bed.

It was a lovely wedding.  I was so happy for Krista and Matt;  she never stopped beaming all day and evening long.  And she looked gorgeous.  Everyone had a great time but for me, my favorite part of the wedding was having my kids there.  I loved how I could hang out with people and talk with them and then head over to the kids and dance with them or talk.  Everyone was in a happy mood and partying up a storm.

I couldn't help but laugh today when Tessa and Riley talked about how much fun they had in the bathroom.  The bathroom??!  I guess they made use of all the little treats Krista left in the restrooms for the guests to use.  Riley flossed his teeth, used listerine, ate's a wonder he didn't try to shave.  Too funny.

And I sat at the priest's table.  But more on that some other time.  Seriously.  Of course I couldn't keep my mouth shut and got weird.  But that's a story for another entry.

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