Tuesday, August 23, 2011

My Classroom is Ready. (Not sure if I am!)

August 23 -- Finished new teacher training today.  Luckily I didn't have to go on the building tour so I spent the rest of the day in my classroom, getting rid of all of Brenda's stuff I didn't need and clearing everything out, and bringing my stuff in.  Everyone who comes in comments on how nice it looks.  I hope they aren't just being nice because it's important to me -- I want to feel at home in there.  And I do.  Oddly, I do.

Tomorrow is full staff.  I get introduced as a new staff member in front of the whole district.  It's only for a second but i am really proud of myself.  But then it's back to work.  I know it's like getting hit by a tidal wave so I was hell bent to get the room as organized as possible.  the rest will come.  (i hope and pray anyway!) Now on to completing the lesson plans!!

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