Wednesday, August 24, 2011

One Day Left till Luke leaves...

August 25 -- Luke leaves for school on one day and I am still not ready.  Seriously.  with the packing, yeah.  We are really good.  One more load of wash and all of his clothes are done.  The items on the dining room table just need to be boxed and stuffed into the van.  But emotionally?  I have given myself so little time to think about it and my head is spinning from new teacher training and professional development (and trying to learn the curriculum so I can prepare and teach it!) that I am feeling I have not had enough time to get ready for Luke being gone.

This morning I said to Brian, "ohhh, Luke can take care of it on Saturday. " At which point I realized, he is not here on Saturday!  And then I started to cry.  I am sooooo tired!  I know I am not the first mom to send her child off to college and I won't be the last.  But it's still hard.  It's still fricken' hard.

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