Wednesday, August 17, 2011

My Brain is Fried -- How Can I Teach?

August 17 -- So I went to a workshop tonight to start making my wiki or teacher website.  And I get there amidst all sorts of typical household chaos.  No car (the boys took it to the drugstore to pick up our prescriptions),  no computer (I left it home after I got to the workshop in Brian's car -- he who decided to bag the gym and let me use his car! ) and then I get to the workshop and find out that I can't even log on because I haven't been assigned my id number!  Ughhhh.  but I listened to a lot of what she had to say and then when I got bored because I couldn't actually work on the computer, I went around and checked other people's websites at our school.  It was a great idea because I realized that I don't have to be perfect the first time around.   The best site was done by a teacher who took a web design course at grad school last fall.

And then when I told the boys, they were like, "nobody looks at the sites anyway!"  Which I kind of knew but actually, I noticed in other towns that maybe kids do look at the sites because they have so much work on there for the kids to access.

But I still don't have it done.  I feel like I am moving at molasses speed.  Today I felt like crying several times.  I just can't wrap my head around everything like I would like to do.  I guess that's part of my personal lesson here...just not in the mood!

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