Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Rain Stopped and I am Underwater

August 16 -- After some showers this morning, the rain finally stopped and the sun came back out again.  It always does, doesn't it.  Except for the fact that I am totally waterlogged.  Okay, that's a metaphorical use of the term "water logged." 

I just have so much left to do.  This morning, I wrote a list of all the things I need in place before I start teaching.  I looked at the list, got up from the table and slowly walked away.  People ask me, "are you excited?"  I smile and nod but truly, I feel like I am in a state of shock.  I think what is driving me the craziest is that I don't have a chunk of uninterrupted time to just focus.  Like not one day.  I have the kids and their crazy schedules.  Band camp, lacrosse practice, more band camp, doctor's appointments, dentist appointments and...the recent time hog -- Luke's car repairs.  (yes, the new transmission is blown.  The good news is that it is covered by warranty.  The bad news is that the catalytic converter is broken and needs to be replaced for a king's ransom.)

I know I will get things done but I am not exactly sure how.  I really resent my two jobs -- and yes, it's a job being with the kids, that's why we hire babysitters when we are not with them.  Brian leaves for work and for the most part, that's all he does.  He does not have to dissect his work day with kid missions.  I am starting to resent the arrangement.

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