Tuesday, August 30, 2011

First Day of School -- 1 down 179 to go

August 30th -- When the buzzer went off at 2pm today I was so excited.  I had made it through my first day.  It wasn't a spotless day, not by any means.  But I met my students and...I liked them!  I mean, granted, we are all in the honeymoon period;  in a couple of weeks I will see their true colors and they will see mine.  But for the most part, I think that they all recognize that I have a very different approach then many of their other teachers.  For starters, I am not right out of college.  That makes a huge difference in how I view them and how they view me.

Luke texted me during the day but I didn't get it till the end of the day.  While he was picking up his football tickets, he met a couple of women who knew me from when I taught years ago.  I guess they saw his name on the tickets and asked him if he was Luke.  He called me tonight to explain and, for some odd reason, during the conversation he kept slipping into a British accent. Not sure what that was all about but when I asked him how his roommate situation was going, he said "excellent".   Can't ask for better than that I guess.   British accent or not.

So I have 179 days of school to go before summer vacation.  I am seriously counting the days and here is why:  everything I do this year is a first.  While I am looking forward to next year when I can say, "oh yeah, I know how to do attendance in the caf study hall,"  I am very much going to appreciate the now as I go through each day.  My favorite part (surprisingly!) is how close I feel to my kids.  Connor and Tessa dropped off their school stuff in my classroom when they ran with the XC teams.  I went over to the middle school and got Riley after school.  He did some work for me in the classroom and then did his homework.  After practice was over we all went home together, everyone re-hashing the events of their day.  Maybe that didn't seem like much but to me, hearing their excited voices weave their stories together was a gift much appreciated.  Or as they say in the commercials, "priceless."

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