Saturday, August 27, 2011

Late At Night, A Hurricane Approaches

August 27 -- All day, for the last several days actually, everyone has been up in arms about this Hurricane Irene.  Stores shut early today, a day earlier than the actual storm.  Water disappeared from store shelves as everyone braced for the storm.  Schools cancelled Monday classes.  All in anticipation of power outages and flooding.

It's totally weird.  I have not listened to any local forecasts so I have no clue about when this storm will hit. I only have an awareness that it is coming.  It just seemed surreal standing in a store parking lot today, the store windows dark, the door locked, the lot empty of any cars except mine.  And it was only drizzling out.  Just weird.  Obviously I hope and pray that it is not fierce and diabolical when it hits our state tomorrow.  But there is this part of me that says the media had nothing else to get excited about lately...especially the weather channels.

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