Sunday, August 14, 2011

When It Rains it Pours

August 14 --  I was just saying to Brian that I feel really weird knowing I start a new job in a few weeks.  I have been making a lot of purchases lately, not so much because I am like, ohhh, I am getting a bigger paycheck soon but more like I am getting all of my ducks in a row and am doing things I have been putting off -- like bringing Riley's painting to the framer's or buying the frames for Luke's graduation photos -- because I just want to get as much of my house "in order" as possible.  So I feel weird about spending all of our money...well a lot of it anyway.

It rained today.  A lot.  I should have known.  Should have read the portent winds.  But I didn't.  And Luke and Connor drove on the highway -- very far -- to visit friends at camp.  They were to meet us at 6pm at a restaurant where Mary Alice was taking us out to dinner.  Nice, right?  Except for when they called Brian to say the car broke down in the city and, could he pick them up please?  And so Brian goes out, gets the boys and then goes back to the city to stay by the car until the tow truck comes and then goes to the ATM to get the cash to pay the extra mileage not covered by AAA so that the car goes to our local garage.  And so it goes.  Who knows what is wrong.  We just paid 2K to have the transmission fixed only two years ago.  Or was it one year ago?  Ughhh.  I don't know.

I am upset about the car, about the hemorrhage of money out of this household.  But I am calm as well.  the whole time Brian was back and forth with the car I was thinking, but Luke and Connor are okay.  It's just the car, not my boys.  They were driving on the highway.  All sorts of things could have happened.  luke safely steered the car off of the highway.  I just have to keep focusing on that.  Or else I will go crazy.  For sure.

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