Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Bear Stole our Trash and Other Sad Stuff

August 18 --  Tessa's birthday today and I think she had a nice day.  She certainly got a lot of presents.  :)  Even though it was a happy day, it was a sad one too because for some weird reason, all day long I got sad news after sad news.  Sad story after sad story.  I am not kidding.  It seemed like nearly every person who called to wish Tessa Happy Birthday had something sad to share as well.  It was like, "have a great day Tessa!  And now can I talk to your mom?"  So then I got on the phone and got the sad stuff...Debbie's sister who, at Krista's wedding said to me, "I just wanted to make it for this," took a turn for the worse two days after the wedding.  Today she was sent home with a hospice nurse.   "I am going up to say goodbye," said Debbie.  I was sitting on the couch watching a scene from the second season of 24.  The sun was shining, the kids were snuggled next to me.  (Yes, I did nothing today for school work -- it was a serious mental health day.)  I listened to my sister-in-law on the phone and just shook my head.  It was a very surreal conversation.

Then my mother in law tells me that one of my decorating clients who lived across the hall from her died four weeks ago.  I guess she was in Florida at the time.  I was like, what the heck?!!   And so it went.  All day.

And then after dinner, as we sat in the darkness watching yet another 24 episode, we heard a huge bang.  When we ran to the window we could see the new gigantic town trash can knocked over on its side and there, ambling away without a care in the world, was a bear.  A very big one.  Big enough to dangle the rather large trash bag in his mouth as he headed off into the woods.  To eat Lord knows whatever was in that bag.  (I have no clue what was in that trash bag.  Tessa's wrapping paper from her gifts maybe?  Riley's leftover sandwich that he secretly threw away at lunchtime?)

Who knows.  It's thundering out right now.  With lots of lightning.  Maybe there will be rain.  Hmmmm. This rain just won't let up!

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