Monday, August 8, 2011

I am a 24 Addict...

August 8 -- So Connor and I saw three episodes of 24 today, wait maybe it was four.  With the Netflix library, we are knee deep into watching the second season of the show.  George just crashed the plane into the Mojave Desert and the nuclear bomb exploded safely outside of Los Angeles.  Whew.  Now I can go to sleep. 

What is it about that series that keeps me glued to my seat?  What is it that can force me, when one episode ends, to quickly check what the next one is about and consider watching it -- not unlike a chain smoker who lights her next cigarette with the lit butt of the first one.  Admittedly, there are parts that are rather unbelievable...I mean really, how many times can Jack's daughter Kim make a stupid move and get herself into trouble?   But unbelievable plot twists sure is an awesome show that has more twists and turns than a roller coaster. 

It's like cheering on a favorite sports team -- you just can't turn away until Jack and his CTU compadre's solve the crime.  And for me, it's a safe release -- a way for me to concentrate on something other than trying to come up with lesson plans.  Which reminds me.  President Palmer quoted Abraham Lincoln in the last episode we watched tonight.  I want to Google it. I think I can use it for Of Mice and Men.  See?  The show helps for work too!!  Amazing. :)

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