Thursday, August 4, 2011

Night Time Writing

AUgust 4 -- I think, because I write these entries at night, I am always complaining about being tired.  No duh.  It's late at night!  But it's hard to write at any other time of the day!

As it is, I told Brian I would get up with him tomorrow at 5am and try to get to the gym.  I need to "get into practice" before my teaching position starts.  I don't know.  I can barely keep my eyes open right now and I feel like I could sleep forever.  I am running around like a wild person trying to get all the kids' doctor's appointments in, Luke's college stuff bought and the car fixed.  (which I can't do cuz my car guy is on vacation this week :(  )

And I still have so much reading to do.  ughhhhh!!  Everybody tells me I will be great as a teacher.  If only I could feel as confident as they are!!  I still have so much to complete before I feel like I am ready..  but first I have to get some sleep!

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