Friday, January 21, 2011


January 21 --  I think that it's time I make an appointment with the eye doctor.  It's embarrassing to admit but even though I wear contact lenses, I have not been to the doctor in almost three years.  Yipes.  I know that's bad.  But my contacts last a very long time and I haven't had the need to see him.

Except now I don't think I can wait much longer.  It's time for cheaters and I know it.  Technically, I do realize that I can just go to the local CVS and pick up a pair of somewhat funky lenses (or maybe I should go to Target for funkier frames?!)  The problem is that I don't know what I am doing and, maybe even more important, I don't WANT to know what I am doing.  In other words, I am totally pissed off that it's time for cheaters.

I have been wearing glasses for distance since I was in the third grade.  And now I have to go and buy another pair for not being able to see close up?  This sucks.  I'm sorry to say it but it does.  My whole life I was the kid, teenager, young woman, and so on who ALWAYS flunked the eye exam.  I mean, by the time I was in my forties, I just would sit in the chair, cover one eye, look at the huge fuzzy letter and say, "I have no idea.  So um,  Doctor?  Let's not waste any more time --  get out the huge metal thing with the clicking eye pieces and for God's sake, just figure out how blind I am so I can go home."  (Yes, I know.  Some issues there...)

For someone who cannot stand the idea of failing or getting a poor grade in anything, I needed to get past the failing eye exam as quickly as possible.  As a result, I always loved the part when the doctor asked me to read the close-up stuff to see if I needed bifocals.  Each time, I passed with flying colors.  Yay for me.  My one bright spot in my visit to the optometrist's office.  And now, those days are gone.  I am toast in all areas of vision.

I know I am being a brat.  A total baby.  Wah, wah, wah.  It's just really weird to see (ha) myself aging.  A little scary too.  I mean, these headaches I have had all week?  I'm like, is this some menopause issue?  Or is it my eyesight?  I could be getting headaches from my eyesight couldn't I?  Either way it adds up to one thing --  I am definitely getting warmer -- and heading closer to the golden years.    (It sounds a lot nicer describing it that way doesn't it?  See?  I am growing up.)  Ha.  Never!!!

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