Saturday, January 1, 2011

Day One

I know this sounds cliche, but I have never blogged before.  I am doing this as a dare to myself in my mid-life age, a time in my life where I find myself frequently reflecting about where I have been and where I want to go.  Here is a confession.  I am not sure, but I think I might be lost.   

I watched the movie, "Julie and Julia" a while ago and something Julie said resonated with me.  She started her goal of cooking a recipe every day and writing about it because she "never finished anything in her life."  All too often, that is exactly how I feel.  And since I am much older than Julie, it frightens me a little.  Truth be told, there is a lot I finish -- the laundry, books that I read, work assignments, etc.  But the big things -- interior decorating businesses, novels, new business ideas -- those things remain ignored and discarded after a few noble attempts to get them off of the ground and running.  Why?  Fear of succeeding is a huge factor I guess but I always think that sounds so weird.  As I type this, I have been interrupted no less than three times (in fifteen minutes) by husband and kids.  I think that's a factor too for not finishing any of my goals.   Family needs beckon and I go running to help.  Again.  And again.  Yes I know.   Cliche for sure.  But true.

So as 2010 came to an end, I thought a lot about Julia and her goal.  And then I saw something on about somebody who ate a school lunch every day during the year.  I was like, ughhhh, why would anyone do that?  And then a little voice in my head said, "because they could."  Interesting.

I decided that if some person could eat a school lunch every day, I could set a goal for myself too.  I reflected upon my days and thought about something which would be idiot proof.  One that would be easy to achieve.  And I realized that every day I drink a cup of coffee and eat a cookie.  And at night, I have a glass of wine and a piece of chocolate.  (Okay, sometimes I have chocolate more than at night but's every day.)  This, I thought, is something I could do!  And write about.    Even if I were the only one who checked this blog, it's something I will do every day during 2011.  There.  I officially set the goal...

I am not sure what my objective is at the moment outside of just doing something every day of the year and writing about it.  It's an adventure, I guess.  One thing I do know is that when I drink my coffee, eat my cookie, drink the wine and have my chocolate it is because in all of life's craziness, in all of it's zany ups and downs, these are things that center me.  (Plus I read in Oprah Magazine that there are health benefits connected with all four items.)

As for the blogging, I have absolutely no clue about the health benefits of that.  And I have only the vaguest idea what I will write about.  Assuming that I will be the only one who reads my words, I guess that goal is perfectly okay.

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