Thursday, January 6, 2011

I Am Overwhelmed

Day 6 -- Three Kings Day.  (Also my niece's birthday.)  In the Catholic religion, today is the day the three kings, after traveling "afar" finally make it to see the new baby, Jesus.  Hmmmmm.  I can't help but ponder how "blessedly" simple life must have been back then.   It was like,  so easy to make travel plans.  Look!  Hey Guys! A star!  omigod!  Road trip!!!...  and off they go.  To see a baby for goodness sake.  (This story always amazes me.  Today, guys travel very long distances and spend lots and lots of money to see men dressed in sports uniforms run around on various sports arenas.  So I am like, seriously?!  These three kings abandoned camp  -- and whatever important work they were in the middle of -- to see a baby??) In today's world, if you gaze at the stars and decide you want to see a baby it is so much easier.  So instantaneous.   All you have to do is go to your computer and google "babies" on the internet.  BAM!  There's your baby fix.  More pictures and videos then you can imagine.  Okay, admittedly, those babies aren't all the Son of God but still, googly eyes, sweet smiles, gobs of drool -- it still works.  And it's quick and mess free.  No packing of tents, no finding someone to take care of the dog, cat, fish, camels, chickens etc.  No canceling the paper.  No taking the kids out of school (and no stressing about whether or not the fact they are missing school makes you a bad parent.)  So easy.

So here is my question at the moment -- if life is so much easier today with the advent of technology, why is it that I am so overwhelmed?

It's all of the distractions, I think.  For example, tonight, after basketball practice and high school open house and the high school activity fair (and remembering to call my niece to wish her a happy birthday -- points for me!), I finally sat down at the computer to write this entry.  But then my husband comes in and says, very specifically, that he wants to talk.  Seeing as members of the male gender want to "talk" like once or twice per decade, I figured I should probably stop what I was doing and ummmm, talk to the guy.  After all, he did just come out of a three-day, flu-like coma -- I haven't had a prolonged conversation with him in like, forever.   So I turned away from the keyboard, spun my chair around and listened to his issues, analyzed his options and nodded at various important moments.  The conversation was lovely but now he is ready to go to bed and I still have my entry to finish.  The dishes still have to be washed, the dishwasher turned on, I still have to check if the garage door is closed, the 17 year old needs to be kicked off of Facebook and sent to bed and yes, I still have to finish this blog.  Sigh.  Yes.  I am definitely overwhelmed.

On reflection, maybe I am just a smidge like the Three Kings of the Orient.  I mean, they stopped what they were doing because -- according to the story -- they were looking for the new-born King -- the Lord of Love.  I stopped what I was doing to connect with my husband.  Okay.  He's not exactly my "Lord of Love" but I do love him.  Same thing?  Not exactly.  But theoretically?  It's on the same level.  I think.

Huh.  Suddenly, I am so inspired, I am going to stop writing right now.  And google "babies."  Chocolate anyone?!

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