Saturday, January 29, 2011

We Join a Gym

January 29 --   Brian has been calling local gyms lately, trying to get a good price at a good gym.  What is a good gym exactly?  who knows -- it's incredibly subjective.  In this case, with his blown out knee, he is looking for a place with a pool.  And he finally found one.  At a reasonable price to boot.

So we joined.  it was heady -- I felt like we were buying a new car with the "manager" who had been working there longer coming over to show us the prices on the computer.  If Brian hadn't just realized he had forgotten his phone in the rental car we had just dropped off at the car repair place, we would have probably signed on the dotted line right then and there.  But we raced out to get the phone and then went home to talk about it.

The kicker of the whole experience was this.  I found out I have a LOT of body fat.  Really.  There was this chart, this wheel thing I had to grab and, poof!!  There was my number which, yes, indicated that even though I have worn the same size pants for the last like, 6 years, (maybe more), I was definitely high in the body fat content.  Brian, in comparison, was in the friggin'  "excellent" columnn.  Am I competitive?  yes.  Did this really bother me?  Yup.  Absolutely.

Did we end up joining the gym?  Totally.

Now I just have to go there to work out.  Apparently, all of the walking and running I have been pushing myself to do is helping me gain nothing in the fat reduction department.  Nooooo.  Apparently, I have to "trick" my body into using different muscles by trying different exercises like weight lifting and cycling.  Hmmmm.

I don't know. The more I think about it?  When I consider the body fat content?  I have to wonder...lately I have noticed something.   My ummmm...(is there a polite way to say this?) chest has DEFINITELY gotten bigger.  And I am not a doctor but I think that's mostly body fat, right?  So is that a bad thing?  I don't know.  Something tells me that it is just fine, thank you very much, Mr. Body Fat Counter.  (Or, since I am the one who is getting all worked up about it -- MRS. Body Fat Counter :)

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