Monday, January 17, 2011

The Snow Days are Making Me Insane

January 17 -- The kids had no school today because it was Martin Luther King Day.  An amazing situation actually because in the last two weeks, there have been no less than three snow days already.  And from the looks of it, tomorrow, with its forecast of snow and sleet and freezing rain, will be yet another snow day.

I love my kids.  I really do.  But all of this time off from school, all of this togetherness is slowly driving me to the brink of madness.   I am feeling unbelievably claustrophobic.   And because I am one of those people who has tremendous gratitude for all of the blessings I have in my life, I am very disappointed in myself.  I don't understand why I can't be more laid back, less critical, more upbeat and positive.  Something tells me I am not alone in this but honestly?  Right now I feel like I am truly a terrible mother who wants to ignore this snow/sleet/freezing rain storm and put her kids back on the bus tomorrow.   Especially the three teenagers.  But face it, in the last couple of days, the ten year old has beaten me far too many times in chess.  He gets better.  I get worse.  I feel like crap.  So yeah.  He can get on the bus too.

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