Friday, January 14, 2011

A Short Entry

Jan 14th -- This is officially going to be the shortest entry yet.  It's like, very late at night and I am exhausted.  What a bizarre day.  For most of the daylight hours, I ran around doing my best multi-task, wifemomprchick moves and then, poof! -- right in the middle of my chess game with Riley, I get the phone call from Luke.

"Ummmmm, Mom?" he asks with his deep drawl.  "Are you at work?"
"No, I just left the school; why?"  I look over at Riley who is hunched over the chess pieces, quietly scheming how to beat me.
"Connor and I might need a ride home."
"Why?! What happened?!"
"Ummmm, somebody smashed into the front of my car?  The police are here..and she is too.  It's not like she ran off or anything."
Secretly, I am so unbelievably relieved.  Nobody is hurt.   And the person who hit his car (while he was inside at track practice) stayed with the car and did the right thing.  She didn't "smash and dash" like so many other high school kids who have gotten into accidents in the school parking lot.

I am going to close this entry now by saying one thing.  Yes, I know this girl feels terrible.  And yes, she smashed the van up pretty badly.  But she exhibited what I am always trying to teach my kids -- true character is demonstrated by how you act when nobody is looking.  Her mother should be so proud of her. I know I am.

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