Thursday, January 27, 2011

Omigod I am Raising A Princess - Not!!

January 27 --  So today was another snow day.  Again.  When the phone rang at five-thirty and Brian hung up I was certain it would be a delayed opening.  When he said school had been canceled I felt like I had been punched in the stomach.  Unbelievable.

Anyway, the one good thing is that our driveway is almost a quarter of a mile long so when the kids go out to snowblow and shovel, they are out there for a nice, long time.  So that brought it down to just me and Tessa in the house.  I put a moratorium on any screen activity and she curled up for a while with a book.  I was able to work uninterrupted.  Not bad.

After a while, I decided to see how the boys were faring and to tell Riley his father wanted him to go into work for the afternoon.  (hooray!)  I reminded Tessa that since she didn't have to go out to shovel snow, I expected her to clean up the kitchen and run a load of laundry.   When I went outside, I saw some areas where I could help the boys.  I picked up a shovel and got to work.  We scraped the ice off the car, swept the garage floor and then, grabbing a spade, I started to smash up the ice which was forming at the end of the bay.  And that's when I had my epiphany.  Banging at the ice made me remember back so many years ago, when I would break up the ice on my parents' driveway.  They had one of those half moon metal ice picks and I would stand there and just bang, bang, bang at the asphalt.  It was annoying but there was always a sense of gratification when the ice was broken and cleared away.

I stopped for a minute and thought to myself, I was always out there.  Every storm.  There was never a question how the workload would be distributed.  We bundled up, girls and boys, and headed out to shovel.  I was NEVER allowed to stay inside because I was a girl.  And, quite frankly, I wouldn't have wanted it any other way.  Truly.  Girls who let boys do their dirty work annoyed me.  And occurred to me that Brian and I were raising the very kind of girl I resented.  The ones who always whined at hard labor and couldn't do "boy chores" like cut the grass or change the car oil.  A princess, through and through.

Tessa is very athletic and tough.  She could definitely be outside shoveling.  She's a peanut, for sure but she can be pretty fierce out on the lacrosse field, all 4'11" of her.  So why was I letting her stay inside, all sheltered?  I have to say, I am wary of letting this pattern continue.  I am 100% guilty of feeding the stereotype.   I want her to be strong and tough and self-reliant.  Keeping her away from shoveling while the boys head out into the cold will not help at all.

And I am not even going to discuss the state of the house when I got inside.  Needless to say, she is the quintessential, social 13 year old girl.  When I came in the keys on the computer keyboard were still warm from her touch.

So Brian just jumped up from the computer himself.  It's 8:45pm and, completely absorbed in our work/writing, we forgot all about our little princess...ballet class ended 15 minutes ago!  Ughh.  We are failing!!

Yup.  We've got some work ahead of us for sure.

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