Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Writing Ideas

January 27 -- I feel like I am running out of things to write about. I like that every day I sit in front of this blank screen and come up with a topic because one of the hardest things to do is to start writing when the screen is blank.  But truly, I feel like I am running out of things to write about.

What did Thoreau do when he was stuck (okay, he wanted to go live at the pond and leave society so I guess he wasn't "stuck") at Walden Pond?  He wrote all the time but didn't he get sick of it?   Although, he didn't know at the time that anyone else would read his words so he didn't feel any type of pressure.  I don't feel pressure either but then again, a blog by it's very definition is meant to be read by others.  So right from the get-go, there is an entirely different type of mien, a unique objective whenever I sit down and start tapping at the keys.  Pressure?  Yes and no.  There are certainly off-limit topics and, one of the most interesting things that has happened in the last few days which I would love to write about -- I can't.  Too personal.  :)

That Julie chick had a good thing going when she discussed each recipe she made.  I could do that too but I guess but I don't want to.  (Although I did make this really cool and easy recipe with potatoes and the kielbasa my dad gave Brian for shoveling the ice away from the mailbox last Saturday.  It had a cheese sauce that was seasoned with oregano and basil.   And the kids loved it.) 

Boring Blog.  I fail.  Not really; but it sure seems like that sometimes. But I am okay with that feeling.  Like I used to say when I was huffing and puffing on the running trail, at least I am out here doing something instead of sitting home doing nothing.  This too shall pass.

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