Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Snow Sucks (sounds harsh but it's not)

January 26 –  I like snow.  I really do.  It's beautiful and clean and when you look out the window at the pristine landscape whitewashed by the new-fallen snow, there is always a moment of softening, a sense of awe at the breathtaking beauty of the vista.  But then the kids start to fight and the dog barks and a plate falls onto the floor and suddenly, reality hits.  It's a snow day, a delayed opening, an early dismissal.  No matter how you slice it, my schedule for the day has been uprooted and now the kids are in my armpit.

Not cool.

I mean, a snow day here and there is not a bad thing.  Kind of nice actually.  But too many snow days, like too much candy, can leave a nasty feeling in your stomach.  At least that's what it does for me.  This morning, when the phone rang at 5:30 am with the horrible message that the schools would have a delayed opening I wanted to scream nooooooo!!  And then I would take the phone and throw it across the room. That was my impulse anyway.  Instead I just rolled over and put a pillow over my head.  It didn't work.  I was awake.  The kids, however, slept through everything.  The phone call, the tv going on with the morning weather announcements and the sound of Brian firing up the snowblower.

As I write this entry, there is yet another Nor'easter heading ominously up the Eastern seaboard tracking its way north to dump more snow on an already beleaguered region.  No rest for the weary.  Like ants at the beach who just keep digging through the sand to reach the air, we just have to brace ourselves for the barrage of snow, make some nice soup, and dig out once again.  Inevitably, nature wins.  Always.

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