Tuesday, January 4, 2011

January 4

Day 4 -- Wow... four days and counting.   This is a new record for me.  Haha.  That's kind of pathetic considering I have never done this before and so every day is a record entry.  Woo.  (hoo)

So today brought a couple of new adventures into my life.  Not all positive but adventures nonetheless.  Lots of firsts.  The first first (ha) was when I drove into work at the high school and saw my son walking out of school early.  Now granted, I had signed the slip in the fall giving him permission to leave early on the days where he ended classes with a study hall.  But this was the first time I actually saw him walking to his car with the other kids who were on early release.  (jail reference intended btw.)  It just seemed so sketchy!  I was like, where are you going, you have to be back for track practice in an hour?  And the boy he was walking out with had long hair, a sloppy, untucked flannel placed haphazardly over his oversized jeans.  Please.  Everyone knows that outfit spells trouble.

Yes.  I know I am being over-dramatic and over-protective.  But still.  It was a first for me.  I kept asking myself, why couldn't I have gotten to work five minutes earlier and have missed his departure?  Why did I have to witness his rendezvous with the wild and crazy senior buddies?  (Never mind the fact that most of the boys were in his AP Physics class.  Everyone knows it's the smart kids who cause the most trouble, right?!!)  So he said he was going to see his girlfriend -- home from college on winter break.  Hmmmm.  Even though I was skeptical  (it was a feeling, you know?!) I eventually walked away and thought to myself for like the fifty millionth time how I think God might have made a mistake by making me a mother.  I am wayyyyy too uptight.

My next first was when my son (the escape boy) went to Starbucks tonight to meet "Marissa" for his first college interview.  I was not here when he stopped at the house to change after track practice.  When he came home he looked so handsome in his new khakis and black sweater -- college prep for sure.  I liked everything about how he looked (especially his smile) all except for the red sticker on  the side of his pant leg proclaiming to the world that the pants were brand new.  ughhhhh.  (It's okay though.  I think if I were interviewing a high school senior who had the new size sticker still on his pants I would find that endearing.  That's what I told him anyway.)

My next first was when I found a place  -- an open place! -- for my dream business -- a tea and coffee shop with wi-fi and a room in the back for classes like yoga and meditation and creative writing.  An awesome place to hang out and relax.  Oh I would love to run a place like that!   A place where my ultimate objective would be to have people come and leave feeling better about themselves than when they arrived.  It's a great location and our town has absolutely nothing like it!  No place for kids to hang out in the early evening or after school.  Or a place to go on Sundays with artwork on the walls and an open mike.  And chessboards on the tables and books on the shelves and fresh baked goods with awesome tea and coffee...  I think I would call it --  The Place.

My youngest son, Riley, wrote me a note after I talked about this with my kids and husband at dinner.  They were all so excited about it and were scrambling to come up with a name.  His note said, "don't forget about your idea to open a store."  I asked him why he wrote that and he said, "because you always have great ideas and then you forget about them."  Sigh.    He's right.  That's why I am drinking my daily dose of coffee and wine and eating cookies and chocolate.  So I don't lose sight of goals I can keep.  Mind you, it is not an easy task...but someone's gotta do it, right?


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