Sunday, January 16, 2011


January 16 --  I woke up today with a migraine.   I don't get the completely disabling ones, just the ones where I can function but it feels like someone is sticking their finger in my eye and banging the back of my head with a heavy object.  (Head hurts right now, I am seriously lacking creative energy.)

My friend Mary Ann called me.  told me disturbing news about the Julie in Julie and Julia.  the real julie, not the actor who played her in the movie.  She said that when she was writing the blog, she actually was having an affair with someone.  And she eventually left her husband for this new person.  Apparently she spoke at a local event and Mary Ann's husband was there and he said she was totally "icky."

that makes me really sad.   hope that isn't because of her blog writing.  (I wrote this whole last paragraph with my eyes closed.  My head hurts. )

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