Monday, January 31, 2011

So Much Yuckiness

January 31 -- I just completed one month out of 12 and wrote in this blog every single day -- yay me.  I have to say I am not sorry to see January go but the way Feb 1st and 2nd are shaping up weatherwise, I don't hold much promise out for February either.

Writing, for me, is a way to get things off of my high body-fat chest.  So here I go.

The leak in the garage started again tonight even after my poor husband spent hours hanging out of the bathroom window yesterday chipping away at the ice.

My son, who didn't study for his exams because he thought he didn't have to (even though I kept reminding him to study but apparently he knew his skill level far better than I did), told me tonight that he failed an exam.  Well, there's a surprise.  I have to say that is an absolute first in the history of my life as a student and as a mother.  Apparently, he didn't think he had to study.  Huh.  Go figure.

I can't lose weight.  All last month I tried to increase exercise and eat less overall and make meals with healthy foods.  Yeah, yeah, yeah.  I get the wine and chocolate and cookie thing,  but honestly?  I am talking one cookie.  One Hershey kiss.  (Okay.  Sometimes two on a bad day.)  And the wine?  Really, not too much.  (Is a bottle a day a lot of calories??)  Just kidding.  One glass.  Maybe two on a bad day.  :)  The rest of my intake is all vegetables and fruit and mostly good, healthy stuff.  And still, I have lost like, no pounds.  Nada.

Why?  Because I am getting OLD; that's why.  (Yucky item number four btw.)

College costs too much money.  Need I say more?

Job hunting is making me very sad.  I know there are a lot of unemployed people and I should be grateful for the small part time job I have but seriously?  I am bored out of my mind.

It will all work out.  I know it will.  I just hope that in February, it stops snowing so damn much, the ice melts and goes away from my house, things look up on the job hunt trail, my kid starts to realize that school isn't going to be easy peasey and he has to ummmmm, work at it??, And maybe, maybe this gym thing will be just what I need to take a few pounds off.  Oh yeah.  And we win the lottery.  Hahaha.

So there.  I end January by laughing.  Not bad, eh??

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