Monday, January 24, 2011

Great Service at an Auto Repair Shop? Whaaat?!

January 24 --  I brought Luke's mini-van (yeah, the coolest car a 17 year old can drive ever) to the body shop today.  I have no idea how much the repairs will cost and I don't care because (fortunately) it was not his fault.   He actually couldn't have been farther from the car when the accident occurred, lucky for him I guess.

Anyway, this was our first experience with something like this.  And everything everybody says about how bizarre the whole insurance process can be is right on the money.  There was so much inconsistency -- we sent the report, the report's not there, but we sent it, but it's not there, oh, sometimes it gets stuck in the process, whaaatt?!  But the woman at the repair shop was amazing -- she finally found the report, got it unstuck from the bureaucratic junk it was mired in and had a rental car waiting for me when I arrived at the shop.

That part of the process went so smoothly, I have to admit, I was suspicious.  What is it about customer service in today's world that makes me question a positive customer service experience, particularly when it has to do with car repairs?  Why, I find myself wondering to myself, is the person behind the counter being so darned nice and efficient?  What is her ulterior motive?  Is there a prize?  Is she getting something, a kick-back?  Ahhhh.  The distrust, the cynical thoughts.  They can't be good!

Okay.  I'm back to my naive hope that things always work out.  Let's just say this woman is hard-working, dedicated and very efficient.  And she had this really funky purple nail polish on -- a sure win, right?  What could go wrong?!!  (We'll see.  We'll see...)

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