Thursday, January 20, 2011

Free Pass

January 20 --   It is very late at night and I am exhausted.  Another day spent nearly non-stop at the computer, writing and now, doing layout.  I am pretty sure that I read somewhere that if you don't get enough sleep you gain weight.  And with all of this chocolate and cookies (and wine ) I am eating (and drinking) I guess I need to watch out for any other weight gain traps that might be lurking in my life.

So...I am giving myself a free pass for the night.  Not entirely though because I did log on after all and I am sitting here writing while my eyes get drier and my contact lenses get even more annoying.

It's actually kind of a nice to give myself a free pass.  I don't do that often enough.  I'm sorry kids, I am not driving you anywhere today.  Or making dinner.   And your laundry?  Ahhh, no.  Not touching it today.   I've got a free pass.  What the heck. Why not?   They get them in school don't they?  So why can't I have 'em too?

Something to think about anyway.

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