Friday, February 4, 2011

Book Club

February 4 -- Tonight was a book club meeting.  I really love this book club;  all the women are truly interested in reading the assigned book, even Denise who is totally exhausted from her long days at work.  And even though we don't always talk about the book for very long, we are still connected by the bond of having read it.  

Every time we meet, I always leave the meeting knowing something more than I did before.  Sometimes it's a new insight into the novel, other times it's just a comment someone makes that surprises me or provides yet another piece in the puzzle of understanding life.  That's one of the coolest things about literature;  whether you are all alone reading someone else's words, or you are in a group or classroom talking about the book, you feel connected to another human being.  You know that you are not alone.

In all of life's peaks and valleys there are many, many times when an outcropping of loneliness pops up.  I cannot even begin to list how many times reading a book has lifted my mood and strengthened my resolve to keep on going.

We read Little Bee for this month's meeting.  It was a great book, albeit a sad one.  Nevertheless, I was very glad I read it.  While I don't purposely select depressing stories, I think it's a tremendous gift to read something tragic and sad;  it helps me recognize how fortunate I am to have so many wonderful blessings in my life.  Like our book club.  :)

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