Friday, February 25, 2011

Stress Kicks In -- Hard

February 25 -- My head is pounding with one of those headaches that starts behind the eyelids and spreads out to cover the entire head.   The dishwasher is broken, Riley's kindle froze, my weights and abs instructor at the gym didn't show up for class and there are a bunch of teenage boys with ridiculously deep voices playing Texas Hold 'Em in my kitchen.

I want to just curl up in bed but I can't.  (see last sentence of previous paragraph.)  So I am going to watch 24 (season one re-runs on netflix) with Connor.   We are both big fans.

"Hey Dad!  Does a full house beat a straight?"  comes the shout from kitchen.  Brian, sitting behind me at his computer, is dozing.  He startles awake screaming, "yeah?!!"  His voice is so loud, my head rattles.  This headache is a killer.

Off to the tv.  Like that's going to help.

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